Excuse me while I open up a bit…

I wouldn’t say that I’m an open book. Spilling my guts has never been easy. But I’m learning to open up in a very vulnerable way, professionally, to do the one thing I haven’t stopped thinking about since November of 2020.

Over the last year and a half, I’ve invested in myself by learning as much as I possibly can about social media strategy, tactics, key performance indicators, trends, tools, resources - basically everything under the sun, to wrap my head around social media marketing and how businesses benefit from it.

Through this professional expansion, I found myself planning out my career in a way that felt exciting and meaningful. It actually kind of snuck up on me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always put pride in my career and professionalism, but I couldn’t shake this itch that felt more and more like clarity.

There’s something about the intersection of creativity and metrics that really thrills me when it comes to social media marketing. And that interest is SO rewarding to me in all kinds of ways. I no longer see social media through the same lens as most people. I look at businesses, news organizations and brands and spend an absurd amount of time analyzing their branding, visuals, copywriting and engagement because I’m interested in their “why.” I want to know their strategy, tactics and their goals are.

And I’m not some kind of expert, nor do I have all of the secrets to success.
Instead, I’m being honest and raw about this journey that’s really become a professional passion for me. This platform is just my way of sharing my journey in social media marketing.

So, hey, bear with me. This is totally new adventure for me and I’m learning as I go. My goal is to grow my skills in this industry and share some insight and tricks along the way.


Why should brands and businesses care about social media?