Media Relations Nikai Salcido Media Relations Nikai Salcido

Crafting Media Connections That Last

Learn how to build and maintain strong media relationships. From navigating the ever-evolving media landscape to personalized pitching tactics, learn how to craft connections that make waves in the PR world. I delve into the art of fostering meaningful relationships with journalists and unlocking the power of press partnerships.

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Media Relations, Public Relations Nikai Salcido Media Relations, Public Relations Nikai Salcido

Why I staff media interviews

Our role is to serve as a valuable resource in coordinating the interview, gathering necessary follow-up information for the journalists and clarifying any mistakes along the interview process. I have high respect for journalists and the work they do in informing the public, and I have made connections with many journalists who understand my value in sitting in on interviews.

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Press Nikai Salcido Press Nikai Salcido

Write a press release worth reading

Listen, there’s no secret formula for writing a press release. The press releases worth reading are those you send to journalists who you’ve built a strong and valuable working relationship with; meaning, journalists who have found constant value in the information you provide them. But if you’re establishing a new working relationship with a journalist, here are my recommendations for writing a press release.

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Press Nikai Salcido Press Nikai Salcido

What every communication plan needs to be successful

In conjunction with a launch, you’ll need a strategic communications plan that will guarantee effective, targeted messaging and media exposure. Your plan will lay out all of the pieces that will help you deliver your message to the appropriate audience. Here’s the structure that I like to use for developing a strategic communications plan.

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Nikai Salcido Nikai Salcido

3 mistakes reporters make in media interviews

Before I kick this off, let me start by clarifying that this is not a blanket statement on all reporters. I’ve worked with many talented, professional and highly respectable journalists whose work I very much admire. To be honest, I don’t have any nightmare stories from my time in media relations. But through the hustle of working with the media, there are a few cringey things that stick out to me the most.

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Nikai Salcido Nikai Salcido

What I wish I knew about social media and mental health years ago

What I didn’t know was how much social media was going to consume my personal and professional life in the next 15 years. I didn’t account for the time and mental energy that it would take, and I couldn’t imagine the toll that it would take on my mental health. But that’s not even where it ends. Social media use can affect thoughts, feelings and sleep, causing memory loss, insecurity and depression.

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Nikai Salcido Nikai Salcido

Media Training 101

So you’ve scored a media placement… Congratulations! Now is your time to prep for the interview. This is a necessary step soon after agreeing to sit down with a journalist. Here are the 10 things to remember before agreeing to go on the record with any reporter.

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Nikai Salcido Nikai Salcido

Excuse me while I open up a bit…

So, hey, bear with me. This is totally new adventure for me and I’m learning as I go. My goal is to grow my skills in this industry and share some insight and tricks along the way.

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