Ruckus Rooms

web design & copy writing

  • As the visionary behind the transformation of Ruckus Room's online presence, I elevated the virtual gateway to this local Tucson gym ensuring a user’s seamless navigation to explore the gym and its programs. Through the lens of new, vibrant photos, I was able to bring the gym's energy to life, providing a visually compelling experience for current and potential members. Staff biographies offer a personal connection to the dedicated coaches that make Ruckus Room a community-driven fitness haven. Complementing these enhancements, I fine-tuned the website's copy, capturing the spirit and commitment that define Ruckus Room. The result is an engaging online platform that not only informs but inspires, reflecting the dynamic essence of this local Tucson gym and its passionate team.

ASU Newsroom

web management & SEO

  • In partnership with web designers and developers, I project managed the revamp of Arizona State University’s newsroom website to help journalists find expert sources and news developments out of the university. The newsroom website includes a professional-grade expert directory and search function, complete expert profiles and professional headshots, a press release archive, a staff page, and more. Since the launch of the website in 2019, I've scaled the site to nearly 2K pages with a 25% search visibility score. Through research, analysis, and search engine optimization, I increased clicks by 17% from Q3 to Q4 in 2022.